OLD DOG-WALKER, NEW TRICKThis picture I took brings me great joy. The owner of this schnauzer used to let his dog poop in our yard and wouldn't pick it up. My shoes seem to be manufactured with crap magnets, so I was mad about his negligence. I had confronted him face to face a couple times, but to no avail. Finally I resorted to other tactics.
After watching him leave another pile in my lawn and walk away, I carefully retrieved the poop in a ziplock baggy. I knew which car parked on the street was his, so I tucked the loaded baggy under his windshield wiper with the following note:
"Dear Sir, I do not care if your dog craps in my lawn. However, the next time you don't use a bag to pick it up, I'm not going to use a bag to return it."
It's been two years since then, and as you can see, he has changed his dog-walking ways for the better...at least my shoes think so.