Saturday, July 29, 2006

Too Much to Blog to Even Blog

LIFE HAS BEEN CRAZY!!! Church on the Hill continues to be flung forward like David's stone from his slingshot. My prayer is that the speed will be directed by God towards the forehead of the Giant Evil. I'll try to write a bit more on this shortly.

I've also been creating, planning and advertising our 3rd annual Blockparty, which takes place next Tuesday, August 1st.

Coincidently, the website business I'm starting with my brother and a friend, Ground Floored, launches the same day as the Blockparty.


At 1:01 PM, Blogger ExportRyan said...

This went really well! I am uploading to my flickr set and will get you a link.

I was thinking we can make a pool for 14th Ave, or CAHC, or CHILL or something.

Any input?

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Chad K Miller said...

Just wanted to say, we are about to finally finish your Discipleship study, it is really great. We will be downloading another soon. Thanks man and I am praying for you often with the changes in the last few weeks. Take care my friend.


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